Sunday, August 21, 2016

Sehati Sejiwa

Walaupun berbeza 
Budaya Agama 
Bukanlah penghalang
Kita bergandingan 
Marilah bersatu

Sehati sejiwa

Malaysia Kekal Sejahtera … Korus Iban Kadazan…
(Mi i so ginavo) kadazan
(Kitai Dekak Mujur) iban
( mi i so ginavo)kadazan
(Ngetan Ke Menua) iban
(Mi i soginavo) kadazan 
(Nyuluk Cita Mulia) iban
Malaysia Sehati Sejiwa

Masih tergiang-ngiang lagu Sehati Sejiwa nyanyian Alif Satar yang berkumandang di radio. Demikian, tema Hari Kemerdekaan yang ke-59 masih kekal 'Sehati Sejiwa'. Melihat dari sejarah, kerjasama dan ikatan perpaduan telah lama wujud dalam perjuangan untuk menuntut kemerdekaan. Hakikat ini telah menjadi identiti kepada negara Malaysia sebagai negara yang berbilang kaum, agama dan bangsa. Semoga persefahaman dan semangat cintakan negara dapat mengekalkan keseimbangan masyarakat yang harmonis.

Bersempena Hari Kemerdekaan yang ke-59 ini, jangan lupa untuk singgah ke Butik Padieka Raccolta. Tawaran harga lebih rendah dari harga asal berlanjutan sehingga ke Hari Raya Aidiladha. 

Harga sehati sejiwa menanti semua!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Seri Kebaya

"A Gift of Passion, A Shocking Truth, An Extraordinary Journey"
~Red Kebaya Film

When we asked what is the history of Kebaya, what do you know about Kebaya?

Kebaya is a female traditional blouse-dress combination that originates from Indonesia. When the process of assimilation involves taking on the dominant culture, Kebaya is also accepted in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Southern Thai.

Based on some of Java philosophy,

A philosophy that contains the values of life. The existence of Kebaya in Indonesia not only as becoming one kind of clothing. Kebaya has meaning and function more than that. The simple shape can be regarded as a form of simplicity of Indonesian society. Value philosophy of Kebaya is compliance, smoothness, and the behavior of women who should be completely soft. Kebaya always synonymous paired with jarik or cloth bandages body. The body fabric bandages directly will make anyone women who wear it difficult to move quickly. That is why women always synonymous with a personal Java graceful.

Wear Kebaya will make women who wear it turned into a woman who is graceful and has a personality. Kebaya pieces that follow the shape of the body will inevitably make the woman should be able to adjust and maintain themselves. A waistband that serves as a belt, the shape does not change as a long cloth that serves as a belt. But instead of the long form that the values instilled noble philosophy, a symbol to be patient / human be patient, closely related to Javanese proverb "Dowo ususe" or length of the intestines, which means patience. (Source from )

Here's a new look to get feminine, fabulous and sleek. Seri Kebaya is the latest product from Padieka Raccolta. The design is simple and quite elegant. Comes in five classic colors, White, Purple, Blue, Yellow and Peach. Every girl needs to have this Seri Kebaya as a symbol of beauty to every women who are wearing it.

Shop Now!